Midwest Trainer & Breeder



Breed & Train & Educate

At K-9 ROTT BLOCK, we are committed to providing the best possible experience for both our clients and their dogs. We dedicate ourselves to helping dog owners understand their dog’s behavior and providing the tools to modify it, while also teaching owners how to build a strong bond with their pet. We strive to be a leader in the field of dog behavior training, by offering the most current and effective methods for training dogs. 

We are committed to creating a better environment for both dogs and their owners. We strive to be a leader in the field of dog behavior training, and to promote responsible pet ownership through our services. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality of service to our clients, while understanding and respecting the unique needs of each and every dog. 


What We Do

Training & Breeding and Many More Services

Basic Obedience Training

At K-9 Rott Block, we understand the importance of training your dog in order to ensure a better and healthier life for your furry friend. That’s why we’re proud to offer our Basic Obedience Training for Dogs using Dog Behavioral.

Through our unique program, you’ll learn how to use and implement proven dog behaviors to help your canine companion understand and obey your commands.

Adoption & Rehoming

 Adopting a puppy means providing a loving home, healthcare, and a supportive environment for a pup. There are many benefits to puppy adoption, and it’s a rewarding experience for both. 

If you’re considering adopting a puppy, make sure you’re ready to provide a loving home and responsible care for your new pup. Secondly, research the breed to make sure it’s the right fit for your lifestyle.


At K-9 Rott BLOCK, we understand how important it is to get your pet safely to their destination. That’s why we offer pet shipping services that you can rely on. Our experienced team will ensure your pet’s safety throughout their journey. 

We understand that each pet is unique and requires special care and attention. Our team will ensure that your pet is comfortable and safe during the entire journey. We will provide you with all the necessary paperwork and documentation to make sure your pet’s journey is smooth and stress-free.

Dog Supplies

Are you looking to purchase dog supplies and accessories? Whether you are a new pet owner or a long-time dog lover, it is important to find the right supplies and accessories for your pup.

Shop K-9 Rott Blocks Doggie Collection From collars and leashes to food and toys, there are a variety of items to choose from.

Protection Training

We have the perfect solution for your dog's protection training needs! Our protection training program offers the best in canine education, ensuring your pup is ready for any situation. With Inspirations from Will Atherton & Cesar Millan, our team is dedicated to providing the highest level of training. 

We offer comprehensive training packages designed to suit your specific needs, and our friendly, knowledgeable instructors will guide you every step of the way. Invest in the safety and security of your pup today - contact us now to get started!


Owning a dog can be a wonderful experience, but it is important to understand the true cost of ownership. The initial cost of purchasing a dog can vary, but the long-term costs add up quickly. Dog owners must expense for food, vet visits, grooming, toys, and other supplies.

Food is a basic necessity for dogs and can be one of the most expensive aspects of pet ownership, the size of the dog and its breed can influence the cost of food.
Vet visits are also essential for a dog's health. 

if you need a plan on obtaining a dog. reach out and ask how we can help.

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